CPA’s office will be closed on Monday, March 31 in honor of Cesar Chavez Day.

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Aspen Environmental Group

Aspen strives to maximize the degree to which we operate in a sustainable manner, with the understanding that sustainable business practices include all actions and decisions which serve to effectively reduce Aspen’s ecological footprint and contribute to environmental and social sustainability.

MW Enterprises LLC

Joining the Clean Power Alliance's Green Leader Program aligns with our values as a real estate development company committed to sustainability. It showcases our dedication to environmental efforts and contributes to building a cleaner energy future.

Sylvan Santa Monica

We feel that 100% Green Power is the right choice for our learning center at Santa Monica.

Chumash Indian Museum

As an organization dedicated to educating about Native American culture, we believe it is important to follow environmentally responsible practices.

Santa Monica – Malibu Unified School District

With over 1,500,000 square feet of building area using electricity, our District's collective footprint is significant. Sourcing 100% Green Power for our facilities aligns with our Districtwide Sustainability Plan goals and is one of the most important ways that we can minimize our environmental impact.


We're committed to eliminating our carbon footprint to fight climate change.

Carrillo Outdoor Power Company LLC

With the start of 2024 and the enactment of Assembly Bill 1346 the electric revolution has arrived for outdoor power equipment. Entering this new age, informing and educating our customers on the benefits of using battery powered tools is our number one priority.

Fulbright Cosmetic & Reconstructive Dentistry

Our owners care about the environment and want to take proactive measures that we can take to protect our environment.

The Refill Shoppe

Living up to the idea behind the scenes is important to us, and 100% green power is a key piece of that puzzle.

City of Malibu

The City chose the program as an alternative to traditional investor-owned utility power procurement and to provide residents with lower electrical utility rates while using power from renewable energy sources. We are committed to reducing greenhouse gasses emitted by creating electricity and protecting the environment. Malibu chose 100% Green Power to help lead the way for a sustainable future.

Sespe Creek Collective Inc.

It's a no-brainer for us! We support the city of Ojai's participation in Clean Power Alliance wholeheartedly and do everything we can to be good stewards of our planet. Clean power means a clean future for everyone!

UCLA Health

UCLA, a national leader in sustainability, has pledged to become carbon neutral by 2025, becoming the first major university to commit to such a goal. Global climate disruption is impacting the planet in ways never experienced in human history, and these changes are also impacting public health and our patients. We are committed to addressing our carbon impacts as an organization.

Hauser and Wirth

Hauser & Wirth made a public commitment to half our emissions by 2030 in accordance with the Paris climate agreement and are putting plans into action globally to reach that goal. 100% green power at our West Hollywood gallery will help us reach our targets and make the art world a more sustainable industry.

Gourmet Imports

As a business committed to our stakeholders and our community, and due to the considerable power we consume for our large refrigerators, we felt that it was important to source clean energy as a step towards reducing our environmental footprint. We also are closely following the refrigerated EV delivery truck market, and are committed to transition our fleet to electric as soon as practical.

Joie De Vivre Style

I created this boutique with the idea of saving the planet 1 bag at a time! I am proud to say we are now certified Green Business by Glendale Green Business! I am focused on sourcing clothes & accessories from ethical companies using eco-friendly fabrics and recycled materials. Keeping sustainability in mind, all of my packaging is biodegradable and/or recyclable. Wearing natural fabrics is comfortable and good for your health! - Kathleen Goldstein

The Munch Company

"I’ve always been environmentally conscious, which you have to mindful of especially in the restaurant industry. I’m always looking for ways to do better. I support greening our community—I compost my business’ vegetable scraps at home, I ride my bike to work as much as possible, and support clean energy. Paying the small premium for 100% Green Power was such an easy way to go clean and green. It’s a choice we don’t have as a society, but rather, need to make to help our planet and create demand for clean energy. " - Michelle Hammond, Owner of The Munch Company

Santa Monica Motel

Santa Monica Motel is a green certified business and we are in support of clean energy. We care about our staff, guests and our community, so reducing pollution with clean energy just makes sense.

Westfalia Fruit Marketing

We are committed to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which include climate and environmental issues, food security, education and the welfare of communities, as well as economic growth and development, driven by innovation and a dynamic infrastructure. Clean Power Alliance helps us use clean energy for our business and demonstrate that further investment in clean energy is needed.

Crudo e Nudo

Our business model is based on using ingredients from farmers markets and local fisheries, while aiming for minimal waste and, soon, zero plastics. We believe that it’s our responsibility to create the future we want to see: one where small businesses work together to build a sustainable economy that feeds our community in many ways. 100% Green Power is a natural fit for our endeavors.


MonteCedro residents chose to supply the community with 100% renewable electricity.

Rincon-Vitova Insectaries, Inc

Our mission is helping gardeners and farmers to stop using toxins that harm soil carbon sequestration, but we’ve always worked to also reduce our carbon footprint. The biggest leap was joining CPA's 100% Green Power. We know CPA will continue to help us and other businesses reduce energy use and get off of fossil fuels. We aim for carbon neutrality as we focus on supporting regenerative agriculture.

Natural Resources Defense Council

As an environmental nonprofit that advocates for the health of our planet and people it is crucial that the energy we use for our offices aligns with our external work. We couple 100% Green Power with energy reduction strategies to bring us closer to our institutional goal of eliminating our greenhouse gas emissions.

Sock Panda

The Sock Panda team is dedicated to using its socks to make the WORLD A BETTER PLACE. The company donates socks to those in need for every purchase. As of May 2020, the company has donated over 135,000 pairs of socks to homeless shelters, low-income senior centers, hospitals, and underprivileged classrooms throughout the country.

Three Squares Inc.

We are committed to be powered by 100% clean energy and all of our work is focused on climate action.

City of Santa Monica

Santa Monica has committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 or sooner. By sourcing renewable energy from Clean Power Alliance, Santa Monica can take one large step to achieving that goal and reduce the City’s emissions by as much as 20%. Choosing 100% renewable energy is the most significant action businesses and individuals can take with the least amount of effort.


Lyft was founded on the belief that technology will enable us to dramatically reduce carbon emissions from transportation. And we want to lead the transition to zero emissions. That’s why we committed to reach 100% electric vehicles on the Lyft platform by 2030. 100% Green Power helps us meet our commitment to the planet and the communities we serve.

Edward’s Enterprises

We try to conserve electricity & water as well as recycle (metal, paper, cardboard, etc.) & the new CPA 100% renewal option for our shop's power fit into that desire to do our small part in improving our company's carbon footprint & impact on our natural environment. We serve Los Angeles and Ventura Counties. "Wilderness is not a luxury but a necessity of the human spirit, & as vital to our lives as water and good bread." -Edward Abbey

Ventura Port District

At the direction of the Board of Commissioners, Ventura Port District has elected to go to 100% Green Power to represent the District's consideration of environmental responsibility, stewardship and leadership.

Handcrafted Construction

We recognize our role as businesses in Culver City by going green can lead the way for social change.

Hayes Graphics

We enrolled in this program because we believe in doing everything possible to be responsible stewards of society, the environment and the planet. Our hope is that adopting conservation minded policies and practices early will pave the way for further progress from other organizations.

Malibu City

“Malibu is proud to be a leader in environmental protection policies, and we continued that tradition when we approved 100% clean energy for City facilities. All cities, counties and states should come together to be part of the global effort to combat climate change.” - Mayor Jefferson "Zuma Jay" Wagner

City of West Hollywood

Taking responsibility for the environment is one of West Hollywood's core values and we have been establishing a legacy of sound and effective environmental policymaking ever since our founding. Being a 100% Green Power city furthers our commitment to forward-thinking climate action.

City of Culver City

Culver City is leading by example by lowering its greenhouse gas emissions, ensuring a cleaner future and inspiring other cities to follow suit. Culver City now proudly boasts that it is leading the charge to fight climate change, reduce pollution, protect the public’s health and preserve our planet for future generations.

Humble Hand Craft

Humble Hand Craft’s philosophy starts with an attempt at full circle sustainability in building. Given the exploitation of resources in the world today, we are partaking in the new wave of conscious building and business practices. By salvaging re-claimed materials and harnessing solar energy, we minimize our carbon footprint while still providing artisan homes of the highest quality.

Paws and Effect Pet Spa

It is our mission to have as little impact on the earth as possible, while still providing excellent services and products that do not harm the environment or animals in our care. For us, using 100% Green Power is the right thing to do.

Topa Topa Brewing Company

For us, it's the right thing to do. The premium we'll be paying is reasonable for our business and it's the next best thing to getting off the grid. Our vision is to be around for the next 100 years, so we need to make sure our planet is inhabitable and as sustainable as our business.