Public Safety Power Shutoff is currently in effect or under consideration due to heightened wildfire risk. Visit SCE’s outage page for more information,

CPA offices and contact center will be closed January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.


Be Summer Ready. Now is a Good Time to Prepare to Save Energy…and Money 

CPA Programs

Last summer, as a result of milder weather, sizeable investments in battery storage facilities across the state, and the energy saving actions of residents and businesses, the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) did not issue Flex Alerts to spur a reduction in energy use during the hottest months.  

As communities prepare for what could be a warmer summer this year, leading to potential strain on power resources, CPA offers programs and energy saving opportunities for residential and commercial customers that promote conservation and power reliability. And if energy demand gets too high and the grid is strained, CAISO may issue alerts to encourage a reduction in electricity use. 

Here’s what you should know: 

CPA Programs 

CPA’s Power Response is a demand response program that helps consumers reduce energy when periods of high use are expected to put a strain on the grid. The program provides financial incentives for customer participation and uses both conventional and smart devices such as thermostats, electric vehicle chargers, and home batteries to provide multiple ways for people to participate. Power Response is designed with four distinct pathways, so everyone has an opportunity to participate in energy reduction.  

Power Response Smart Home: Customers receive enrollment incentives by registering qualified smart devices such as thermostats and EV chargers that automatically adjust to reduce strain on the grid.  

Power Response Home: Customers earn money to conserve energy during times of high electricity demand by manually adjusting thermostats, lights and appliances.  

Power Response Multifamily Community: Residents and property owners work together to reduce electricity; customers in participating units receive smart thermostats and financial incentives.  

Power Response Commercial Leaders: Business owners can earn $80/kW-year for reducing energy use during periods of high electricity demand.   

CPA estimates over 28,800 kilowatt hours (kWh) were avoided last summer as a result of the Power Response Home program, which is equivalent to removing four homes from the energy grid for one year.  

Find the Power Response program that’s right for you here

Customers that have questions about CPA’s energy saving programs can contact our Customer Support team at 888-292-0502. 

Learn about all CPA programs at  

CAISO Flex Alerts 

During critical moments of high usage, CAISO utilizes an alert system called Flex Alerts to keep the public informed of the need for Californians to reduce energy use.    

A Flex Alert is typically issued in the summer when extremely hot weather drives up electricity use. These statewide Flex Alerts are voluntary calls to action to encourage consumers to conserve and shift electricity use to off-peak hours.  

Visit the CAISO website to register to receive Flex Alerts. 

To save energy during periods of high electricity demand, here are some helpful tips:       

  • Turn off unnecessary electronics and lights   
  • Use fans instead of running the air conditioner    
  • If using the air conditioner set it to 78 degrees or higher   
  • Unplug electrical devices you’re not using   
  • Close blinds and drapes to keep rooms cooler   
  • Avoid using major appliances such as dishwashers, washers and dryers   
  • Wait to start charging electric vehicles until after 10 p.m.   
  • If your water heater is electric, delay running hot water or hot showers