Celebrate Autumn Holidays and Be Energy Efficient to Save on Monthly Electricity Bills

CPA Happenings

We love the fall season. It’s full of holidays, lights and celebrations, but all the fun activity can also increase energy usage.  CPA is committed to helping our customers save energy and money on their monthly electricity bills. 

To use less power, bring environmental benefits to your community, and save money this fall and beyond, try a few of these easy energy saving tips: 

  1. Keep energy vampires in the dark and use LED lights for your Halloween glow  

Halloween often translates to elaborate decorations, spooky lights, and glowing jack-o-lanterns. Embrace the spirit of the season with LED lights. These energy efficient alternatives will not only illuminate haunted houses, but also consume significantly less energy.  

  1. Use the sun’s energy for decorations  

While LED lights are more efficient than traditional lights, opting for solar powered decorations saves even more energy. These will harness the sun’s power during the day and display brightly throughout the night.   

  1. Install draft stoppers on doors and windows  

In between opening the door for friends, family and guests, utilizing draft stoppers to keep the warm air in and the cool air out can help save customers money on their electricity bill, while ensuring homes stay cozy without cranking up the heat.  

  1. Use less energy between 4 p.m. and 9 p.m.  

Electricity costs more during peak usage times. Time of Use (TOU) rates encourage customers to use less energy when it is more expensive during the late afternoons and early evening. Help reduce your electricity use by running large appliances or charging electric vehicles before 4 p.m. or after 9 p.m.

CPA offers many programs to help customers save money on their monthly bills. To learn more, visit cleanpoweralliance.org/programs.