The Power of Choice is Yours

The power to choose clean energy is in your hands. Join the 3 million people who
have already chosen to power their lives with clean and renewable energy through

Calculate and Compare Your Energy Bill

You can compare total average monthly bills for service with Clean Power Alliance and service with SCE. You can decide which option is best for your needs and priorities.

We believe sustainability can benefit everyone

Access to clean power should not be only for the privileged, which is why we offer three tiers of competitively-priced clean energy options. We also reinvest revenue back into communities to provide additional benefits like green job creation and increased access to affordable clean energy for disadvantaged communities.

Choose your energy option

For all options, revenues generated by CPA are reinvested to serve you and your neighbors through customer programs, community reliability projects, and job creation.

Start Making Your Community Better

Lean Power

40% clean energy

Lean power is the most affordable way to reliable, clean power that is comprised of 40% clean energy from a mix of renewables and zero-carbon hydro power.  

Support the Future of Your Community

Clean Power

50% renewable energy

Support building a cleaner future with 50% clean power (50% renewable energy plus zero-carbon hydroelectric) and receive competitively priced green energy that further reduces carbon emissions.

Invest in Your Community and the World

100% Green Power

100% renewable energy

Lead the way to a greener future with 100% renewable energy from wind, solar and geothermal sources. Your choice to pay a small premium for emissions free electricity makes the world a better place.

We believe in giving our customers the power of choice by providing access to three different sustainable electricity tiers. You can choose which option works best for you at any time. When you begin service with Clean Power Alliance, you will be opted into the default renewable rate chosen by your community. However, you have the power to choose your own level of service. Go lean or clean to support the environment. Go 100% green to become an environmental leader.

For a customized rate comparison or if you have a NEM account, please contact Customer Service at

Clean Power Alliance charges for electricity generation and Southern California Edison (SCE) charges for electricity delivery, which will reflect as two separate charges on your bill.

The Choice is Yours

Choose which CPA product is right for you.