Public Safety Power Shutoff is currently in effect or under consideration due to heightened wildfire risk. Visit SCE’s outage page for more information,

CPA offices and contact center will be closed January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.


FOR NEW CUSTOMERS in Hermosa Beach, Monrovia, and Santa Paula, please click your city’s link for information and FAQs specific to your community and transitioning to service with CPA.

Frequently Asked Questions

About Clean Power Alliance

What is Clean Power Alliance?

Founded in 2017, Clean Power Alliance (CPA) is the 4th largest electricity provider in California! We’re a community-driven organization that believes in a clean energy future that empowers communities and customers to choose their energy source. Clean Power Alliance was ranked as the #1 green power provider by the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory in the NREL 2022 Utility Green Power Rankings. 

When did Clean Power Alliance begin serving customers?

Clean Power Alliance first began serving customers in unincorporated Los Angeles County in February 2018, with dozens of communities transitioning to CPA service since then. CPA has now grown to serve 35 communities.

Where does Clean Power Alliance offer service?

We currently serve 35 communities –33 cities and the unincorporated areas of Los Angeles and Ventura Counties. Please refer to our service map to check if CPA services your community. 

Who governs and administers Clean Power Alliance?

Clean Power Alliance is a Joint Powers Authority (JPA) governed by a Board of Directors comprised of elected officials from each city and county we serve. Having a Board of local elected officials means that ultimately, Clean Power Alliance answers to you! Our operations are administered by Clean Power Alliance staff. For more information on our Board and professional staff,click here.   

How is Clean Power Alliance financed? Are any tax dollars used to finance or operate Clean Power Alliance?

Clean Power Alliance is financed exclusively by the payments received from our customers based on the electricity they consume. Clean Power Alliance does not receive tax dollars. During its start-up phase, Clean Power Alliance received a $10 million loan from Los Angeles County and acquired additional credit from a private bank. The start-up loan from Los Angeles County was repaid in September 2020. In 2023, Clean Power Alliance received an “A-” issuer credit ranking (ICR) from S&P Global Ratings, positively reflecting CPA’s overall strengths and bolstering its position to continue to secure large supplies of energy at lower costs. 

Does the Clean Power Alliance Board of Directors receive a salary or other payments?

No. Members of the Clean Power Alliance Board of Directors do not receive a salary or any financial benefits.

Community Choice Aggregation

Why is Clean Power Alliance enrollment automatic and why do I have to opt out to stay with SCE?

California’s community choice aggregation law, Assembly Bill 117, requires community choice energy providers to be the default electricity provider over investor-owned utility companies such as SCE. As a result of this state law, Clean Power Alliance operates as an opt out program, but we were created to give our communities new energy options, so choice is very important to us. We provide two written notices to our customers when beginning service so that you can make informed decisions regarding your new energy choices. 

Clean Power Alliance operates as a Community Choice Aggregation program. So, what is Community Choice Aggregation?

Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) offers an opportunity for California cities and counties to become their own electricity provider. They were permitted in California by Assembly Bill 117 following the energy crisis of 2000-2001. CCAs differ from traditional investor-owned utilities such as SCE because they allow communities to take control of purchasing their own power, make energy decisions locally, and reinvest funds back into their communities. Over 200 cities and counties are members of 25 CCAs operating across California. CCAs are also different from publicly owned utilities such as the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, which are not regulated by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), and which generally own their local electricity distribution systems.

Are Community Choice Aggregation programs like Clean Power Alliance reliable? Will we have enough power?

Yes. Resource Adequacy (RA) is a program of the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to ensure reliable electric service in California. This program requires Clean Power Alliance and other electricity providers to purchase enough power to meet customers’ anticipated needs, plus reserves that can be called upon if they are needed in an emergency. Clean Power Alliance is required to meet the same Resource Adequacy and reliability standards as investor-owned utilities such as SCE.

How much clean and renewable energy does Clean Power Alliance provide?

Clean Power Alliance purchases clean and renewable electricity on behalf of our customers. We currently offer three rate options, each with a different percentage of renewable energy. Lean Power offers 40% clean energy at the lowest possible cost, with the added benefit of local management and control and access to special CPA programs. Clean Power provides 50% clean energy and the opportunity to support building a cleaner future, all at cost-competitive rates. 100% Green Power provides 100% renewable energy and the opportunity to be an environmental champion while leading the way to a greener future! Each member city or county of Clean Power Alliance has chosen a preferred energy option for their community, but you can always make your own energy choice and select the rate option that suits you, your business, or your family best.

Clean Power Alliance Service

Why am I getting a notice from Clean Power Alliance?

The notices were sent to inform you that your account is now eligible for Clean Power Alliance service. You don’t have to do anything to be automatically enrolled in your community’s preferred energy option (either Lean Power, Clean Power, or 100% Green Power). You can also make your own choice and select a different Clean Power Alliance offering or opt-out of CPA service and get your electricity from SCE.

How do I know when my service begins?

If your community recently joined CPA service, you will receive a minimum of four (4) notices by mail advising you of your enrollment in Clean Power Alliance; two (2) before and two (2) after the switch from Southern California Edison to Clean Power Alliance. These notices will be mailed by Clean Power Alliance, not by Southern California Edison. To check your status, call us at 888-585-3788 or email us at 

New customers who move into the existing Clean Power Alliance service area are automatically enrolled into Clean Power Alliance and will be mailed two notices within the first sixty days of service with information about their options. 

If you have moved to a new address, you can contact SCE at 800-655-4555 or go to Turn On Service For Your Home to get electricity at your new address.

My neighbor received a notice, but I haven’t received anything. Why?

Clean Power Alliance service notices are sent to customers in eligible communities in phases, so if you have not yet received a notice it may be on the way. To check your status, call us at 888-585-3788, or email us at 

Do I have to participate in Clean Power Alliance? Can I opt out?

You get to decide! Clean Power Alliance offers clean energy options at competitive rates, plus other community benefits such as local management and control and energy saving programs for our customers. The State Legislature designed community choice aggregate (CCA) programs like Clean Power Alliance to automatically enroll eligible customers. However, any customer may opt out of Clean Power Alliance service at any time. The choice is yours.

How do I opt out?

While we don’t want you to miss out on the benefits Clean Power Alliance offers, you always have the choice to opt out.  

Once you receive an enrollment notice in the mail from us, you can opt outhereor by calling us at 888-585-3788. Please have your SCE bill on hand because we will need your account information to process your request.

When can I opt out?

Customers in a new CPA service area can opt-out 60 days before their service begins and any time after that.  

For customers that move into an existing CPA service area, you will automatically transition to Clean Power Alliance service and can opt out after your first billing period. Before then, you aren’t in our system yet so there’s nothing to opt out of. To check if you are in CPA’s service area, please see the service map.

If you’re not sure if you received an enrollment notice, contact us. 

Can I return to Clean Power Alliance after I opt out?

Yes, we’d love to welcome you back! Customers who opt out before starting Clean Power Alliance service mayreturn at any timeby calling us at 888-585-3788 or emailing us at Customers who opt out after service starts are required by SCE to remain with SCE for a minimum of twelve months.

Is there a fee for opting out?

Clean Power Alliance does not charge any fees to opt out. However, customers who opt out of Clean Power Alliance more than 60 days after service launch in a new community may be charged a one-time account processing fee by SCE and will be prevented by SCE from returning to Clean Power Alliance for a minimum of 12 months. SCE’s current one-time account processing fee for most customers is 66 cents.  SCE’s terms and conditions of service, including fees, are subject to change. View SCE’s fees and terms of service at 

If you are located in one of CPA’s existing 35 communities and you opt out, SCE may charge you a similar one-time account processing fee.

If I opt out, what will my SCE rate be?

If you opt out within 60 days of service launch, you will return to your original SCE rate. If you opt out more than 60 days after service launch, or are located within one of CPA’s existing communities and opt out, you will be placed on a Transitional Bundled Service (TBS) rate by SCE for six months and then return to your original rate. TBS rates are more sensitive to market prices and may be higher or lower than your original SCE rate. Customers who wish to opt out without being placed on the TBS rate should either opt out prior to or within 60 days of service launch or opt-out and elect to remain with CPA for six months after which they will be returned directly to SCE on their original rate.

Can I participate now if I’m not already a customer?

Clean Power Alliance already serves residential and commercial customers in 35 communities throughout Los Angeles and Ventura Counties. If Clean Power Alliance launched service in your community, you automatically became our customer, unless you chose to return to SCE. You should have received a minimum of four (4) notices by mail letting you know you were enrolled in Clean Power Alliance and providing information about your new options. If you recently moved into your home or business, you will be sent two (2) notices by mail with information on your new options.  

All customer notices are archived and can be accessed on ourCustomer Noticespage. If you have questions about your account, you can call us at 888-585-3788 or email us at 

I am a Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) customer. Will I ever be able to receive service from Clean Power Alliance?

LADWP is a municipal utility with an exclusive monopoly granted by the Los Angeles City Charter to provide electricity utility service for residents and businesses in the City of Los Angeles. A change would require a citizen vote to amend the charter. As such, Clean Power Alliance is not able to offer service to customers in LADWP service area.

Can I participate in Clean Power Alliance if I am not in a member city or county?

Unfortunately, you can only participate if you are located within the Clean Power Alliance service area. To find out if you are in our service area, view our map or a list of our enrolled cities and countieshere. Becoming part of Clean Power Alliance service area is an action taken by eligible local governments not already served by a municipal utility. 

Rates & Billing

Do I get billed separately by Clean Power Alliance? 

No. We work together with SCE so that you get one bill each month. Only a few lines on the bill change since the charges for power generation will now come from Clean Power Alliance instead of SCE. Your bill will include your service account(s) for SCE’s transmission and delivery service and a new service account (or accounts) for Clean Power Alliance’s generation service.  

What is Clean Power Alliance’s Lean Power, Clean Power, and 100% Green Power options? 

Clean Power Alliance offers three energy options for our communities.  

The energy options are:  

  • Lean Power: 40% clean energy with the benefit of local management and control and access to CPA energy saving programs.  
  • Clean Power: 50% clean energy and the opportunity to support building a cleaner future.  
  • 100% Green Power: 100% renewable energy and the opportunity to be an environmental champion and lead the way to a greener future!  

For more information, please see our Rate Options page.

Can I switch between Lean Power, Clean Power, and 100% Green Power? 

Yes! While you are automatically enrolled in the energy option selected by your community, you can always “opt up” or “opt down” to another energy option at any time. Choose your preferred option onlinehereor call us at 888-585-3788 to make the change. Please have your SCE bill on hand because you will need your account information to process your request. 

How do Clean Power Alliance’s rates compare to SCE? 

Clean Power Alliance offers clean energy options at competitive rates. You can learn more about your monthly bill with Clean Power Alliance using our bill comparison tool. The comparison tool does not include any applicable taxes or SCE minimum charges, special charges or credits, which are the same regardless of energy provider. You can also view our rates sheets or contact us atcustomerservice@cleanpoweralliance.orgfor a bill comparison. 

For medium and large commercial customers, Clean Power Alliance pricing varies by rate class. Medium and large commercial customers should contact customer service to obtain a customized rate comparison.  

Any changes to Clean Power Alliance rates will be adopted at public meetings of Clean Power Alliance’s Board of Directors.

How does Clean Power Alliance set its rates?

Clean Power Alliance rates are set by the Board of Directors based on the projected cost of energy, typically on an annual basis, so you’ll have a steady, predictable outlook on your rates. Unlike the rates of the local investor-owned utilities, which are set by the California Public Utilities Commission in San Francisco, Clean Power Alliance rates are set right here in our community. The Clean Power Alliance Board of Directors, which governs Clean Power Alliance, is committed to providing our community’s residents, businesses, and organizations with clean energy options at competitive rates. 

I’m seeing multiple CPA or SCE charges on my bill. Why is that? 

Your current billing statement may show CPA charges and/or SCE charges from past billing cycles that were not included in your prior bills. As a result, your current bill amount may be higher than normal. However, this does not represent incorrect bills or duplicate charges. We work closely with SCE to resolve delayed billing issues for our customers.  

If you receive a bill that’s higher than anticipated and need to make payment arrangements, please call SCE at 800-655-4555. All payment arrangements must be handled through SCE.  

What are PCIA (Power Charge Indifference Adjustment) and other fees? 

Southern California Edison charges SCE and CPA customers a Power Charge Indifference Adjustment (PCIA) to pay for above market costs for electricity generation resources that were procured by SCE on their behalf. ‘Above market’ refers to the difference between what the utility contracted to pay for electric generation in the past and the current market value of those resources. The PCIA is a per-kilowatt-hour (kWh) charge based on your monthly energy usage. 

Surcharges represent the Cost Responsibility Surcharge (CRS) and Franchise Fee (FF) that are applicable to Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) customers. The CRS is a surcharge to recover costs associated with power purchases made on behalf of customers, prior to a customer’s switch to a CCA. The FF recovers taxes owed to a city in exchange for allowing SCE to utilize electrical distribution lines throughout the property of the city. SCE acts as the collection agency for the FF surcharge which is levied by cities and counties for all customers.

Who do I call with questions about my bill? 

If you ever have questions about the Clean Power Alliance portion of your bill, you can call us at 888-585-3788, or email us If you have questions about any other portion of your bill, you can contact SCE at 800-655-4555. For a handy resource on understanding your bill, view our Understanding Your Bill pagehere.  

What happens if I am already on one of SCE’s Green Rates? 

Typically, customers on SCE’s 50% or 100% Green Rates do not have to do anything to be moved directly in our comparable program to receive either: 

  • Clean Power:50% clean energy 
  • 100% Green Power:100% renewable energy 

If you live in a community that recently joined Clean Power Alliance such as Hermosa Beach, Monrovia, or Santa Paula, and you are on one of SCE’s Green Rates, your account enrollment in CPA will be deferred to a future date that has not yet been determined. Prior to enrollment, CPA will mail additional information to you. 

As a customer of Clean Power Alliance will I still receive Climate Credit on my bill? 

Yes. Residential, small commercial, and agricultural customers will still receive the Climate Credit.

Will I still receive my CARE, FERA, Medical Baseline, Budget Billing Plan or Summer Discounts with Clean Power Alliance?

CARE, FERA, Medical Baseline, Budget Billing Plan, and the Summer Discount Program are available to qualified Clean Power Alliance customers and provide the same discount regardless of enrollment with Clean Power Alliance. Customers enrolled in Clean Power Alliance continue to receive their CARE, FERA, Medical Baseline, Budget Billing or Summer Discounts on their monthly bills; there is no need to reapply with Clean Power Alliance. New enrollments or renewals must still be made through SCE’s customer service website or by calling SCE at 800-798-5723. 

How does Clean Power Alliance affect me if I have existing Direct Access (DA) arrangements? 

For non-residential customers, any existing direct access service accounts will not be automatically enrolled in Clean Power Alliance service. However, those customers can choose to become Clean Power Alliance customers at any time, but we recommend doing so when their direct access contracts expire. Special direct access termination provisions may apply for customers who wish to end their direct access contracts early. 

For residential direct access customers, your enrollment with Clean Power Alliance will be delayed to a future date that has not yet been determined. Please contact our customer service center if you are a direct access customer and wish to get more information. 

Partnering with SCE

How do we work with SCE?

We purchase clean energy on behalf of our customers and put that energy on the electricity grid to make Southern California cleaner and more sustainable. SCE continues to deliver your electricity, read your electric meter, send you one monthly bill, and provide the same maintenance and other services they always have. 

Do I get billed separately by Clean Power Alliance? 

No. We work together with SCE so that you get one bill each month. Only a few lines on the bill change since the charges for power generation will now come from Clean Power Alliance instead of SCE. Your bill will include your service account(s) for SCE’s transmission and delivery service and a new service account (or accounts) for Clean Power Alliance’s generation service. 

Does Clean Power Alliance replace SCE? 

No. SCE continues to deliver power, provide maintenance services, send one bill and resolve any electricity service issues. Clean Power Alliance provides electric generation by purchasing power on your behalf. We simply replace the fee SCE would charge you if they were providing your electric generation service.

Are Clean Power Alliance customers still eligible to obtain rebates from SCE for energy efficiency and other customer programs? 

Yes. The California Public Utilities Commission authorizes SCE to collect fees (called public goods charges) from all customers to fund energy efficiency and other customer programs. SCE still collects these fees from Clean Power Alliance customers, so you remain eligible for these incentives and services. 

Can SCE raise delivery fees on Clean Power Alliance customers above those of non-Clean Power Alliance customers? 

No. SCE must provide the same rates for all customers in their service area whether or not they receive electricity from Clean Power Alliance or any other energy service provider. 

Who do I call if there is a power outage in my area?

Southern California Edison is responsible for maintaining transmission lines that deliver the energy we purchase. Please call SCE if you’re experiencing a power outage to restore power: 800-611-1911.

Solar Programs — Net Energy Metering (NEM)/Solar Billing Plan (SBP)

How does Clean Power Alliance’s Net Energy Metering (NEM) program work?

Clean Power Alliance calculates and applies NEM credits on the generation portion of your bill based on the retail value of the electricity generated by your solar panels. SCE calculates and applies NEM credits on the delivery side of your bill. 

For more information on our NEM and Solar Billing Plan (SBP) programs, please visit Solar/Net Energy Metering (NEM) - Clean Power Alliance.

How do I enroll in Clean Power Alliance’s NEM program? 

Clean Power Alliance customers who are already enrolled in SCE’s NEM program will automatically be enrolled in Clean Power Alliance’s NEM program. SCE will true up your NEM account for both the generation and delivery portions of your bill before your account is transferred to Clean Power Alliance.  Once your NEM account is enrolled with CPA, CPA will be responsible for providing your monthly electricity generation charges and your NEM generation credits.  SCE will continue to be responsible for providing your monthly electricity delivery charges and NEM delivery credits.  

If you are new to net energy metering, please contactSCE at 866-701-7868 for residential inquiriesor at866-701-7869 for commercial inquiriesand to request your interconnection application. Once you’ve completed the SCE NEM enrollment process, you will automatically be enrolled in Clean Power Alliance’s NEM program if you are an eligible Clean Power Alliance customer.  

If I live in a community that recently joined Clean Power Alliance, when will my NEM account enroll in Clean Power Alliance?

Your NEM account will be enrolled in Clean Power Alliance (CPA) and will begin receiving electricity purchased by CPA after the end of your annual Southern California Edison (SCE) relevant period.

What if I already have solar panels or other generating systems? Will I still be able to offset my energy charges with the energy I generate once I switch to Clean Power Alliance? 

Yes, you will still be able to offset your charges with excess generated energy. Overall, what changes is that Clean Power Alliance will now become responsible for your monthly NEMgeneration charges and credits, while SCE will continue to be responsible for your monthly NEMdelivery service charges and credits.  

Will there be any billing changes when my account when I switch to Clean Power Alliance?

Once your account transfers to our NEM program, Clean Power Alliance will begin to charge you for the energy you consume beyond what you generate on yourmonthly billwhereas with SCE you may have received only one annual settlement at the end of the relevant period. This will help you make smaller payments more regularly rather than potentially paying one large bill at the end of the relevant period. If you have accumulated credits at the end of your relevant period, these credits will be refunded to you at the retail rate, up to the total amount you were billed during your relevant period.

What will happen to my SCE NEM account when transferring to Clean Power Alliance? 

SCE will true up your NEM account(s) for both the generation and delivery portions of your bill at the end of your current SCE relevant period, before your account is transferred to CPA.  Please expect the following to occur to your SCE charges and credits:  

Any SCE energy charges not offset by energy credits at the time of true up will be billed to you.  

Any SCE energy credits that exceed energy charges will be set to zero.  If you are eligible for Net Surplus Compensation at the time of the true up, SCE may issue payment in the form of a check, or the credit may be applied to your account depending on your selected options with SCE.    

Once your NEM account is enrolled with CPA, CPA will be responsible for providing your monthly electricity generation charges and NEM generation credits.  You will also become eligible to receive Net Surplus Compensation from Clean Power Alliance. SCE will continue to be responsible for providing your monthly electricity delivery charges and NEM delivery credits, and will continue to read your meter, send your monthly bills, and resolve electricity delivery issues.   

Will I be eligible for Clean Power Alliance’s Net Surplus Compensation (NSC) and what is the rate?

You will become eligible for CPA’s Net Surplus Compensation (NSC) and will no longer be eligible for SCE’s NSC. You can receive NSC from Clean Power Alliance if you are a “net generator” at the end of your relevant period, meaning you produced more energy than you used over a 12-month period. Please note that there may be other differences. Please contact us with questions or reviewour NEM website page.   

Clean Power Alliance provides an NSC Rate that is 10% more than SCE’s most recent NSC Rate. You can view Clean Power Alliance’smost up to date rates here. 

When is Clean Power Alliance’s relevant period?

The relevant period refers to the yearlong NEM billing period, in which NEM credits and charges are tracked. Clean Power Alliance “trues up” or reconciles generation charges and credits for all NEM customers each year in April. Your relevant period for SCE delivery charges and credits may be different; check your monthly electricity bill or contact SCE for more information about your relevant period and annual true up for delivery charges. 

How will I get paid for my NEM credits?

If a customer has produced net surplus energy at the time of annual true up, Clean Power Alliance will mail you a check for net surplus credit greater than $100, calculated at the current NSC Rate.  

An NSC of less than $100 will roll over for the next relevant period, and any remaining energy credits that were not refunded are reset to zero for the start of the new relevant period. If your NSC is less than $100 and you prefer to receive a check, please contact us.

Will enrollment in Clean Power Alliance affect my NEM legacy status?

No, enrollment into Clean Power Alliance’s NEM program will not impact your NEM legacy status. NEM 1.0 and NEM 2.0 customers retain their 20-year legacy status as determined by their SCE interconnection agreement. Contact SCE for more information. 

I’m thinking about installing rooftop solar, and I’ve heard about statewide changes to NEM. How does that work with Clean Power Alliance? 

If you install rooftop solar on or after September 1, 2023, Clean Power Alliance will enroll you in CPA’s Solar Billing Plan (SBP) program (also referred to as Net Billing Tariff or NEM 3.0). SBP provides credits for surplus electricity you generate and send the grid based on the value of that electricity at different times of the day and year and incentivizes combining solar generation with battery storage to increase grid reliability. For more information visit 

Clean & Renewable Energy

Where does Clean Power Alliance’s power come from?

Clean Power Alliance’s energy is procured on behalf of its customers from mostly non-polluting, clean and renewable sources such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. We do not use coal. Clean Power Alliance’s electricity suppliers have gone through a rigorous qualification and selection process and produce our electricity in California or in neighboring states connected to the western electricity grid. The exact proportion of each source varies with time, based on demand and availability. Please check out ourPower Sources webpagefor more.

How does Clean Power Alliance procure power? 

Clean Power Alliance contracts with private firms to purchase wholesale electric energy and capacity from generators and suppliers. For more information about CPA’s contracting opportunities, please see the Contracting Opportunities page

How can I be sure Clean Power Alliance is actually procuring renewable energy on my behalf? 

Each year, Clean Power Alliance procures an amount of renewable energy sufficient to meet the sum of the individual choices of all its customers. So, as a Clean Power Alliance customer, your energy choices directly impact the overall amount of renewable power Clean Power Alliance is buying.  

Selecting 100% Green Power means that Clean Power Alliance will procure additional, incremental renewable power to meet that demand. We are required to report to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and California Energy Commission (CEC) on an annual basis to verify the amount of renewable energy procured for our customers. This is the same standard used by California utilities such as SCE for verification purposes.  

Lastly, Clean Power Alliance values transparency, so we make procurement and financial decisions through our Board of Directors, made up of elected officials from each of our member jurisdictions.

How do I know I’m receiving the amount of renewable energy that I chose? 

The California Independent Systems Operator (CAISO) maintains the state’s grid to ensure reliability of electricity. There is no way to distinguish between electrons on the distribution system in any given moment. However, Clean Power Alliance procures renewable energy based on each customer’s selection. A customer’s decision to select 100% Green Power directly increases the amount of renewable energy Clean Power Alliance procures on behalf of that customer. An individual customer or community’s decision to go 100% Green leads to Clean Power Alliance purchasing additional power from renewable sources. 

How much clean and renewable energy does Clean Power Alliance provide? Is it enough to meet demand?

Each of our rate options,Lean Power, Clean Power, and 100% Green Power, has a different percentage of clean and renewable energy. Each member city and county served by Clean Power Alliance has chosen a preferred energy option for their community, but you can always make your own energy choice and select the rate option that best suits your unique needs. Clean Power Alliance has purchased enough energy to ensure immediate reliability and has built a portfolio of diverse renewable energy sources and energy storage that power all our customers’ homes and businesses all day, every day.

What is the difference between clean and renewable energy? 

Clean energy is carbon-free energy that creates little to no greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and comes from sources such as hydroelectric power. Renewable energy comes from resources that are naturally replenished such as solar, wind, and geothermal, and produce no waste. California defines hydroelectric power and nuclear power and carbon-free energy that is not renewable. Unlike fossil fuels, such as oil, natural gas, and coal, which cannot be replaced (and produce GHG emissions), renewable energy regenerates naturally in a short period of time.