Public Safety Power Shutoff is currently in effect or under consideration due to heightened wildfire risk. Visit SCE’s outage page for more information,

CPA Announces 2023 Clean Energy and Reliability Request for Offers

Clean Energy Sources

Clean Power Alliance (CPA) recently announced our 2023 Clean Energy and Reliability Request for Offers (RFO), soliciting competitive proposals to better allow us to meet energy portfolio needs, while also complying with California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Procurement Orders and Resource Adequacy (RA) requirements.

The 2023 Clean Energy and Reliability RFO has multiple product categories and generally targets resources between five MW and 500 MW. Relative to prior RFOs, CPA’s Clean Energy and Reliability RFO has expanded product categories and now includes Resource Adequacy (RA) Only and Thermal Energy Resources.

Additionally, CPA has implemented a number of changes to our RFO eligibility requirements such as expanding term limits, allowing Proposers to make bundled offers and a fast track process for negotiations. 

Learn more about the RFO.