Public Safety Power Shutoff is currently in effect or under consideration due to heightened wildfire risk. Visit SCE’s outage page for more information,

Your electricity bill consists of charges from both CPA and Southern California Edison (SCE) as well as state required charges and taxes.

CPA charges on your bill are for the clean energy that we purchase on behalf of our customers — this is called a generation charge. 

  • The cost on your bill reflects the specific energy option you have selected: 100% Green Power (100% renewable energy), Clean Power (50% clean energy) or Lean Power (40% clean energy). 

  • All electricity purchased for you or your business comes from CPA.

Your monthly electric bill is sent to you by Southern California Edison (SCE). CPA does not own or operate the infrastructure that delivers electricity to you.

  • The bill includes the CPA generation charges AND SCE’s charges for delivery of electricity to you. 

  • All customers pay the same delivery charges to SCE no matter who supplies your energy.

Sample Bill

This sample bill is representative of a residential customer on the domestic time of use rate and does not reflect specific customer data or all customer rate options. If you have questions about your rates, please contact CPA customer service for assistance.



Customer Account

Your customer account number. Your customer account may include one or more individual service accounts or meters.



Summary Of Your
Billing Detail

This section summarizes the SCE delivery charges (noted with “SCE” under Your rate) and the CPA generation charges for each of your service accounts/addresses. CPA charges are not an additional charge — they simply replace the generation charges that SCE would have billed if you were a bundled SCE customer (a customer receiving both generation and delivery from SCE).



Your cost varies

This section shows how much energy you used at different times of the day. Electricity prices are typically lower during the day and overnight, and higher in the early evening.



Electricity Usage

The bar chart shows the amount of energy you used in this annual period. If your bill has gone up or down significantly, check to see if this may be due to changes in your usage.



Delivery Charges (SCE)

SCE’s charges for the delivery of electricity. They include the cost of moving energy from the grid to your home or business and maintaining the electric lines, are paid by all electricity customers, and are exactly the same even if you get your supply/generation from CPA. Prices may vary by season (Winter and Summer). Around June and October, your bill may reflect usage and charges for both the end of one season and the beginning of the next.


CCA (Community Choice Aggregation) Cost Responsibility Surcharge

Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) charges are surcharges paid by all CCA electricity customers. The DWR Bond Charge¹ and CTC (Competition Transition Charge)² are legacy charges related to the cost of deregulation of the California electricity system in the late 1990s and early 2000s. The PCIA, or Power Charge Indifference Adjustment³, reimburses SCE for above-market energy contracts SCE entered into in the past to serve its customers, including those now served by CPA. SCE receives these funds. CPA adjusts its generation rates to account for the PCIA to keep our customers’ total bills competitive with SCE. Learn more about CPA rate options at



CCA Wildfire Fund Charge

CCA wildfire fund charge (formerly known as DWR Bond Charge) and CTC (Competition Transition Charge) are state fees paid by all electricity customers. The DWR (Department of Water Resources) Bond Charge is a legacy charge to pay off bonds that were issued to rescue the California electricity system from the 2000-2001 energy crisis. It was set to expire in 2021 but was extended for another 15 years to establish a wildfire liability fund that Investor Owned Utilities like Southern California Edison (SCE) can draw upon in the event of a catastrophic event. This charge has been part of SCE customer bills since before Clean Power Alliance. The charges go to the State of California for potential disbursement to the Investor Owned Utilities if necessary.



CCA (Community Choice Aggregation) Cost Responsibility Surcharge

These charges are paid by all electricity customers but they are itemized differently on your bill as a CPA customer. The DWR Bond Charge¹ and CTC (Competition Transition Charge)² are legacy charges related to the cost of deregulation of the California electricity system in the late 1990s and early 2000s. The PCIA, or Power Charge Indifference Adjustment³, reimburses SCE for above-market energy contracts SCE entered into in the past to serve its customers, including those now served by CPA. SCE receives these funds. CPA discounts its generation rates to account for the PCIA to keep our customers’ total bills competitive with SCE. Learn more about CPA rate options at



Power Charge Indifference Adjustment

The PCIA (Power Charge Indifference Adjustment) is a fee from SCE that covers costs from long-term energy contracts. To ensure our customers’ total bills remain competitive, CPA adjusts its generation rates to reflect the PCIA. Although it is sometimes referred to as an “exit fee,” the PCIA (Power Charge Indifference Adjustment) collects funds to cover above-market energy contract costs that are paid for by all electricity customers, not just those who switched to a Community Choice Aggregator like CPA. These above-market costs are embedded in SCE’s generation rates for bundled SCE customers; starting next year these costs will be itemized for all customers, regardless of who is your energy supplier. These charges go to SCE.




This Rate Identification Number (RIN) may help program smart devices. Learn more at




Point of Delivery Identification number. The POD-ID is a unique account number that identifies location of service. CPA’s charge for the generation of electricity. This is NOT an additional charge. It replaces the generation charges that SCE would be collecting if it were your supply/generation provider. This section notes the CPA rate option currently selected for your account: Lean Power (40% clean), Clean Power (50% clean), or 100% Green Power (100% renewable).


(Your Rate (CPA)

In this section, “Your rate” is the CPA rate schedule that determines how you are charged for electricity supply/generation. If you are on a Time of Use (TOU) rate, the seasons and TOU periods for your CPA generation charges and your SCE delivery charges are identical.


Generation Charges (CPA)

CPA’s charges for the generation of electricity. This is NOT an additional charge. It replaces the generation charges that SCE would be collecting if it were your supply/generation provider. This section notes the CPA rate option currently selected for your account: Lean Power (40% clean), Clean Power (50% clean), or 100% Green Power (100% renewable).



User Utility Tax / Energy Surcharge

The Utility Users Tax and Energy Surcharge are government fees collected from all electricity customers and remitted to the relevant local and state public authorities.


Customer Account

Your SCE-assigned customer account number identifies your account. Please have your customer account number on hand if you would like to make changes to your Clean Power Alliance service.


Summary Of Your
Billing Detail

The first line in this section lists your total delivery charges from SCE. The second line lists your total generation charges from CPA. SCE assigns a separate service account number to track your CPA charges but these are NOT added fees – they simply replace supply/generation charges you previously received from SCE.


Your cost varies

This section shows how much energy you used at different times of the day. Electricity prices are typically lower during the day and overnight, and higher in the early evening.


Electricity Usage

The amount of energy you used in the billing period, measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh). Your energy usage may change significantly from month to month and year to year depending on weather, appliance use, and other factors. Increased usage is often the reason for larger bills. If you get a larger than normal bill, you can check your usage here.


Delivery Charges (SCE)

SCE’s charges for the delivery of electricity. They include the cost of moving energy from the grid to your home or business and maintaining the electric lines, are paid by all electricity customers, and are exactly the same even if you get your supply/generation from CPA. Prices may vary by season (Winter and Summer). Around June and October, your bill may reflect usage and charges for both the end of one season and the beginning of the next.


CCA (Community Choice Aggregation) Cost Responsibility Surcharge

These charges are paid by all electricity customers but they are itemized differently on your bill as a CPA customer. The DWR Bond Charge¹ and CTC (Competition Transition Charge)² are legacy charges related to the cost of deregulation of the California electricity system in the late 1990s and early 2000s. The PCIA, or Power Charge Indifference Adjustment³, reimburses SCE for above-market energy contracts SCE entered into in the past to serve its customers, including those now served by CPA. SCE receives these funds. CPA discounts its generation rates to account for the PCIA to keep our customers’ total bills competitive with SCE. Learn more about CPA rate options at



Department of Water Resources Bond Charge

The DWR (Department of Water Resources) Bond Charge is a legacy charge to pay off bonds that were issued to rescue the California electricity system from the 2000-2001 energy crisis. It was set to expire in 2021 but was extended for another 15 years to establish a wildfire liability fund that Investor Owned Utilities like Southern California Edison (SCE) can draw upon in the event of a catastrophic event. This charge has been part of SCE customer bills since before Clean Power Alliance. The charges go to the State of California for potential disbursement to the Investor Owned Utilities if necessary.


Competition Transition Charge

The CTC (Competition Transition Charge) is a legacy charge related to electricity sector deregulation in the late 1990s. This charge provides an accelerated recovery of Investor Owned Utility investments made prior to deregulation. This charge has been part of SCE customer bills since before Clean Power Alliance. These charges go to SCE.


Competition Transition Charge

The CTC (Competition Transition Charge) is a legacy charge related to electricity sector deregulation in the late 1990s. This charge provides an accelerated recovery of Investor Owned Utility investments made prior to deregulation. This charge has been part of SCE customer bills since before Clean Power Alliance. These charges go to SCE.


This Rate Identification Number (RIN) may help program smart devices. Learn more at



Point of Delivery Identification number. The POD-ID is a unique account number that identifies location of service. CPA’s charge for the generation of electricity. This is NOT an additional charge. It replaces the generation charges that SCE would be collecting if it were your supply/generation provider. This section notes the CPA rate option currently selected for your account: Lean Power (40% clean), Clean Power (50% clean), or 100% Green Power (100% renewable).

Your Rate (CPA)

In this section, “Your rate” is the CPA rate schedule that determines how you are charged for electricity supply/generation. If you are on a Time of Use (TOU) rate, the seasons and TOU periods for your CPA generation charges and your SCE delivery charges are identical.


Generation Charges (CPA)

CPA’s charge for the generation of electricity. This is NOT an additional charge. It replaces the generation charges that SCE would be collecting if it were your supply/generation provider. This section notes the CPA rate option currently selected for your account: Lean Power (40% clean), Clean Power (50% clean), or 100% Green Power (100% renewable).


User Utility Tax

The Utility Users Tax is a government tax established by local city or county ordinances and is collected on your electricity bill. It is not charged by your energy provider.


Energy Surcharge

This surcharge is collected from all electricity customers statewide to fund clean energy programs and projects including the activities of the California Energy Commission.