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Save 20% on your 100% renewable electricity bill

Call To See If You Qualify & Enroll by calling 888-585-3788

Our online registration form is currently under maintenance and is temporarily unavailable. We apologize for any inconvenience; you can check your eligibility and register by calling our customer support team at 888-585-3788.

Clean Power Alliance’s Power Share program provides income-qualified customers in under-resourced communities with 100% renewable energy and a 20 percent discount. Customers who would not otherwise have access to solar, wind, or other renewable technologies can benefit from joining Power Share. When combined with CARE or FERA discounts, you could save up to 45% off your monthly electric bill.

See if you qualify

Do You Have your SCE Customer Account Number?

Don't have your SCE Customer Account Number?

Check Eligibility

# of Persons in Household
California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE)
Family Electric Rate Assistance (FERA)
Up to $40,880
Not Eligible
Up to $51,640
$51,641 - $64,550
Up to $62,400
$62,401 - $78,000
Up to $73,160
$73,161 - $91,450
Up to $83,920
$83,921 - $104,900
Up to $94,680
$94,681 - $118,350
Up to $105,440
$105,441 - $131,800
Each additional person
Up to $10,760
$10,761 - $13,450


How does Power Share work?

Qualifying customers will receive a 20% discount on top of other electric bill discounts they may already receive, including the California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) or Family Electric Rates Assistance (FERA) programs. The 20% Power Share discount will be applied to the customer’s already discounted CARE or FERA rate, for a total bill discount of approximately 35% to 45%

I get my bill from Southern California Edison. How can CPA give me a discount?

Clean Power Alliance purchases clean power that Southern California Edison (SCE) delivers through its transmission network. Your monthly electric bill from Southern California Edison (SCE) includes CPA charges for electric supply along with SCE charges for delivery of the electricity to your home. The 20% Power Share discount will appear on the CPA portion of your bill.

Do I have to buy or install anything?

Clean Power Alliance purchases clean power that Southern California Edison (SCE) delivers through its transmission network. Your monthly electric bill from Southern California Edison (SCE) includes CPA charges for electric supply along with SCE charges for delivery of the electricity to your home. The 20% Power Share discount will appear on the CPA portion of your bill.

How do you decide what a disadvantaged community is?

The State of California has defined what qualifies as a “Disadvantaged Community.” In the definition, the State considers areas that are most impacted by environmental, economic, and health burdens. You can learn more on the CPUC’s website: CPUC.CA.GOV/DISCOM/

I’m not enrolled in CARE or FERA. Can I still participate?

Yes. If you are eligible for CARE or FERA, but not enrolled, you may still participate in Power Share if you meet the other Power Share program requirements. You will need to either enroll in CARE or FERA, or, certify that you are eligible for one of these programs. We encourage you to enroll in CARE or FERA if you are eligible, in order to benefit from the CARE/FERA discount of 18% to 30% on your monthly energy bill in addition to the 20% Power Share discount.

How do I enroll in CARE or FERA?

To find out if you qualify and enroll in CARE or FERA, apply online: https://www.sce.come/care or contact SCE at 800-655-4555 (customer hold times vary; CPA recommends applying online).

Will I lose my CARE or FERA discount if I enroll in Power Share?

No. You will retain your CARE or FERA discount, and the 20% Power Share discount will be applied to your CARE or FERA rate, for a total discount of approximately 35% [FERA] to 45% [CARE] on your monthly bill.

How long will the program last? Will it run out of money?

The Power Share program is ongoing. Once you are enrolled in Power Share, you will continue to receive the discount as long as you meet the qualifications (for up to 20 years). However, there is limited program capacity related to power usage. Once the Power Share program capacity is allocated to customers on a first come, first served basis, customers will be placed on a wait list.

If I am already on CPA’s 100% Green Power service, can I participate?

If you enroll in Power Share, you will be switched from CPA’s 100% Green Power rate option to the Power Share rate. You will continue to receive 100% renewable energy, with the added benefit of the 20% discount on your monthly bill.

I’m in a 100% Green Power default city. If I enroll, will I still get the CPA subsidy for CARE or FERA customers?

CPA provides CARE/FERA customers in 100% Green Power default cities with 100% renewable energy at the same price as Clean Power.

What happens if I move?

If you turn off service at your current address and move to a new location, you will need to recertify your eligibility for Power Share at the new location by going to our website ( or by calling or emailing us. If you still meet the eligibility requirements you will keep your enrollment in the Power Share program, as long as 1) your electricity turn-on date at the new location is within 90 days of the final billing date at your previous location, and 2) CPA receives your application within that 90-day period.

Can I leave the Power Share program?

Yes. There is no minimum length of time that a customer must participate and there is no termination fee associated with de-enrolling from the Power Share program. If you choose to leave the Power Share program, the change will become effective no later than two billing periods after the date CPA receives your request to de-enroll. Customers are eligible to remain in the Power Share program for a period of up to 20 years from the date they first begin service under the program.

Can I participate if I am in a demand response program?

Yes. Power Share customers can concurrently participate in any Demand Response (DR) program(s) for which they are eligible. All demand response payments and credits are based on a customer’s metered usage and are not impacted by participation in the Power Share program.

Can I participate if I am a Net Energy Metering (NEM) customer?

Unfortunately, Net Energy Metering (NEM) customers are not eligible for Power Share.

I’m on CPA’s Lean Power or Clean Power rate. Can I stay on that rate and participate in Power Share?

If you enroll in Power Share you will be switched from Lean Power or Clean Power to the Power Share rate. The Power Share rate will give you a 20% discount on your total bill based on the Clean Power rate, and your bills will be lower than if you stayed on Lean Power or Clean Power rate.

What happens if I opt up or down to a different CPA rate option after I enroll in Power Share?

Once you’ve enrolled in Power Share, if you switch your account to another CPA rate option you will be automatically disenrolled from Power Share. You can re-enroll at a later date if you meet the eligibility requirements and if the program is accepting new enrollments.

Are there ineligible rate schedules?

Customers on the following rates are ineligible for the Power Share program:

  • Net Energy Metering (NEM)
  • A master meter rate schedule (Schedules DM, DMS-1, DMS-2 or DMS-3)
  • TOU-EV-1
  • TOU-D-T
  • DE (utility employee) rate schedules
  • Non-residential rate schedules
What if I lose my CARE or FERA eligibility?

Customers who, after enrollment into the Power Share program, become ineligible for CARE or FERA will be disenrolled from Power Share. If you become qualified for CARE/FERA again in the future, you may re-enroll in the Power Share program if there is capacity available.

If Power Share becomes fully subscribed, what can I do?

You can be placed on the waitlist. If you join the waitlist your account will be automatically enrolled in Power Share as soon as space in the program becomes available, provided you still meet the eligibility requirements at that time.

Please note: The subscription limit for Power Share is based on customer electricity usage so we cannot provide a specific number limit, but there is space for thousands of customers.