Earn money while helping create a cleaner
grid and healthier communities.
With your help, we’re making a difference and we’ve only just begun. In January 2022, we are expanding the program with new ways to save money by reducing energy usage at peak time. When you re-enroll in the Power Response program, you will receive a sign-up incentive, reduce strain on the grid and reduce pollution and greenhouse gases.
Technology | Sign up Incentive per Device | Subsequent incentives Per Year Thereafter |
Ecobee Thermostat | $85 | $40 |
Google Nest Thermostat | $85 | $40 |
ChargePoint electric vehicle charger Use code powerresponse when you enroll. |
$100 | $25 |
Sunnova PowerGrid Protect™ Program – Solar and Storage | $100 | $100 |
Qualifying customers will receive a 20% discount on top of other electric bill discounts they may already receive, including the California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) or Family Electric Rates Assistance (FERA) programs. The 20% Power Share discount will be applied to the customer’s already discounted CARE or FERA rate, for a total bill discount of approximately 35% to 45%
Clean Power Alliance purchases clean power that Southern California Edison (SCE) delivers through its transmission network. Your monthly electric bill from Southern California Edison (SCE) includes CPA charges for electric supply along with SCE charges for delivery of the electricity to your home. The 20% Power Share discount will appear on the CPA portion of your bill.
No. Enrolling in the Power Share program does not require you to purchase or install any equipment. This program is funded by the California Public Utilities Commission and is provided to qualified customers free of charge. The purpose of the program is to help customers and communities in need.
The State of California has defined what qualifies as a “Disadvantaged Community.” In the definition, the State considers areas that are most impacted by environmental, economic, and health burdens. You can learn more on the CPUC’s website: CPUC.CA.GOV/DISCOM/
Yes. If you are eligible for CARE or FERA, but not enrolled, you may still participate in Power Share if you meet the other Power Share program requirements. You will need to either enroll in CARE or FERA, or, certify that you are eligible for one of these programs. We encourage you to enroll in CARE or FERA if you are eligible, in order to benefit from the CARE/FERA discount of 18% to 30% on your monthly energy bill in addition to the 20% Power Share discount.
To find out if you qualify and enroll in CARE or FERA, apply online: https://www.sce.come/care or contact SCE at 800-655-4555 (customer hold times vary; CPA recommends applying online).