Public Safety Power Shutoff is currently in effect or under consideration due to heightened wildfire risk. Visit SCE’s outage page for more information,
CPA offices and contact center will be closed January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
AMP Program
This past year was a difficult one for many due to the pandemic, especially for families and small businesses who faced hardship and were unable to pay their electricity bill. As we all look from COVID-19 survival to recovery, Clean Power Alliance wants you to know that we are here to help.
We are part of the state’s CPUC Arrearage Management Plan (AMP) program. Through AMP, eligible Clean Power Alliance customers can get up to $8,000 of past due bills forgiven after paying twelve on-time payments.
How it Works
AMP is a debt-forgiveness program for customers with at least $500 in past due electricity bills with some portion of the debt at least 90 days past due.
Eligible customers who make on-time payments of their current electricity bills, can eliminate one-twelfth of their past due balances. After 12 on-time payments, a max of up to $8,000 of past due balances may be forgiven.
Have a past due balance of at least $500, some of which is 90 or more days past due.
Have been a Clean Power Alliance/Southern California Edison (SCE) customer for at least six months and made at least one on-time payment during the last 24 months that equals or exceeds the most current customer bill at the time of payment.
Enroll Today! You can enroll in AMP by contacting SCE at 800-655-4555 or through SCE’s website via their AMP Application Form.
Please note: any new electricity bills issued on or after a customer enrolls in AMP will not qualify.
Currently, Net Energy Metering (NEM), Direct Access (DA), and master metered are not eligible for the program.