As required by state law, most California customers are being transitioned to Time-of-Use (TOU) rates to increase the use of clean energy as well as reduce stress on California’s electric grid. This statewide transition began last year in northern California, which has now been completely transitioned to TOU rates. Most Clean Power Alliance (CPA) residential customers will be transitioned to TOU rates in February and March.
Electricity rates on TOU rate plans are based on the time of day and the season. Prices are lower during the day when clean, inexpensive solar power is abundant. TOU rates encourage you to use energy when it is cleanest and least expensive as well as reduce the use of energy when it is most costly which is during weekdays between the hours of 4pm and 9pm.
With a TOU rate plan you are in control, as you can take advantage of lower electricity prices in the morning, midday, and late evening. The more you can shift your energy usage to when rates are lower, the more you can save. In addition, if you pay more on your TOU plan for the first 12 months than you would have paid on your previous plan, you will automatically receive a bill credit for the difference after the first 12 months. This bill protection is a benefit CPA is providing to its customers to provide them time to adjust to this statewide transition.